Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fashion Photography Journal

November 10th
Today I went to Barnes and Noble to do research on fashion photography. I stayed for about Two hours in which i found three helpful books. The first was called 1000 Fashion poses. It was full of poses that models use, and i found that different poses compliment different clothes. I made sure to take pictures of the poses I wanted to use in my photos. The second book called Studio Photography Secrets. What I learned by reading parts of this book, however could be applied to all photography such as tips on hand posture and placement. The Third book was simply examples of famous fashion shots, and it was more of a magazine. I didn't write down the name but I was a lot of interesting examples. 

November 20th
I decided to just try out some of the poses that I found today. It snowed last night here in Tehachapi so i want to take advantage of the rare weather. I went to a very foggy and snowy spot. i took a pictures with very fast shutter speeds, because there was so much snow the light bounced around a lot. i took a lot of pictures with textures like by large rocks and trees. I found that i didn't really like fog as the main background so I found other natural backgrounds like Trees, boulders, etc and there color and texture better complimented the models clothes. I took photos of my friend in these poses, but didn't really get anything I liked too much. Although the backgrounds helped, I still just didn't like the clothes the person was wearing. Which is a very big deal. Ugly clothes with help to make an ugly picture. All of the time in the snow want a complete waste, I learned about backgrounds and that I need to make sure the clothes will be complimented by the background.

November 25th
It's Thanksgiving and the weather is a little warmer and the snow has melted. Todays pictures I took down the street against a wooden fence. the fence had a lot of very green moss growing on it. There was also a rusty wagon wheel leaning against the fence with really helped give the picture an older, more country feel. I used a tripod to make sure the photo would be straight and I used the fence line to line up the picture. The person I used as the model wore colorful clothes so when I edited it it turned out good with all of the green moss and grass, and the reddish brown rust on the wheel. The pictures were also turning out better when I flipped the camera vertically. I hope other people will like the coloring of these pictures. when I edited them I didn't have anyone with me and I didn't take into account that I am colorblind and suck really bad at matching colors. I guess now I learned I need to ask peoples opinion.

November 28th
I am back in the Antelope Valley today and it's still cold! I wanted to try some indoor shots but I don't really like any spot in my house as a background.  I went to the garage, not because i specifically like it as a background but because I like the lighting. It is dark, with lights beaming through small windows. I got an awesome shot. The light is shining in through the garage door window and it's behind the model. Her shirt was purple-ish-red and she had a colorful skirt with blacks, blues red and purples...I think. I also had her do my favorite pose that i found while doing research. The pose was recommended for models wearing a dress or skirt. I think this shot came out as the best Of all. The background is very busy, but it is constant and blurred so I think it works. 

December 1st
Today i called Kevin. We planned a trip for me and 4 friends to drive to bouquet canyon this sunday. There is a wide variety of backgrounds so I told the models to bring changes of clothes. Hopefully it will turn out goo.

Locations still to try:
Bouquet Canyon (Will try this weekend)

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