Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Unity and variety!

Unity (also known as Harmony) is the quality of wholeness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements and principles of art. The arrangement of elements and principles to create a feeling of completeness.
The photo above gives us a feeling of unity. there is nothing out of place and everything works, and works together.

Variety (also known as alternation) is the quality or state of having different forms or types. The differences which give a design visual and conceptual interest: notably use of contrast, emphasis, difference in size and color. The photo above is the perfect example of variety. we have many different shapes, sizes, colors and so on. the is repetition in the architecture but nothing is exactly the same. it gives our eyes a good variety of things to look at. Too much variety can be worse than none at all.

1 comment:

  1. Even the lines in the horizon seem to flow parallel with the birds.
