Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hierarchy in Design

visual hierarchy is the visual cues of content based on importance to help a visitor process information (most commonly used in cartography). In a way, a website is just a map, a map of information in which you need to help your visitors view and process the information you are presenting based on importance.
Human visual perception uses visual hierarchy every day in natural life to take visual cues and create a mental model or map to process information more efficiently. This is why visual hierarchy is so important in web design, especially since humans have such a short attention span!
Hierarchal design can be viewed as a triangle. at the top of the triangle is our subject, AKA our most important text. Next is our sub-subjects. And of course on the bottom, the most abundant, the details, the FAT.
Without hierarchal design, our text is left messy and unorganized. So use it!

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